The School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS) is responsible for delivery of Professional Military Education to Royal Australian Air Force members at key points within their careers; and for the delivery of training to personnel selected for Squadron Warrant Officer, Base Warrant Officer, or command appointments.
SPS introduced Air Force’s new Professional Military Education program, Program Wirraway in 2019. Program Wirraway plays a key role in developing the workforce to operate in rapidly changing, and ambiguous environments. Program Wirraway will develop people with innovative and inquiring minds, who can work as part of a disciplined team drawn from all services, the APS, Industry and other Government Agencies. Program Wirraway will ensure Airmen have the requisite knowledge, skills, behaviours and attributes to enable the integrated and networked, 5th-Generation Air Force for Australia.
Program Wirraway has ‘core’, ‘directed’ and ‘elective’ pathways to provide through-career learning and education via a range of blended learning courses consisting of both on-line and residential components. The ‘core’ pathway will develop enlisted airmen to Warrant Officer and the Senior Enlisted Leadership Team; and officers to Squadron Leader and into the Australian Command and Staff College. The ‘directed’ pathway follows on from the ‘core’ to provide a range of professional development opportunities such as the NIAGARA Program for senior leaders. The ‘elective’ pathway will be enabled by The Runway, Air Force’s portal for military education, which will assist members on all pathways find, and participate in, additional learning opportunities.
The Program Wirraway ‘core’ pathway is made up of four levels of learning each containing the four broad themes of air power, communications, business skilling and leadership. Learning is modularised with each level comprising of three modules covering air power, leadership and business skilling with communications embedded within each module. Each level is designed to support the step up in leadership and management responsibilities members experience at key points of their career.
SPS will conduct courses in a number of locations across Australia and provide development opportunities to over 3000 Air Force members every year once Program Wirraway reaches maturity in 2021.

Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld, AO, DSC with the most recent level 1 award recipients within the Wirraway Program, Aircraftman Jason Mosticone (centre) and Aircraftman Kayla Enchong (right).
SPS provides a safe and inclusive environment that encourages learning through experiential activities, collaboration with peers, and honest and open feedback.
Program Wirraway is designed to challenge students, and in so doing it fosters resilience and innovation, and helps students identify opportunities for ongoing personal and professional development.