The ADF Military Police are undergoing the most substantial reform that has been seen in decades. The 2017 First Principles Review of Service Police in the ADF identified the existing Service Police capability was not structured, equipped, trained or supported to meet the emerging criminal threat and general policing environment expected to be faced in the next decade. Therefore, the ADF Military Police Reform Program was developed as a set of initiatives designed to ensure the ADF MP capability has all the requisite skills, capabilities and capacities to meet the demanding Police environment into the future.
A key initiative of the ADF MP Reform Program was the structural reorganisation of the Military Police capability. This included the phased absorption of the single Service domestic police elements into the JMPU from January 2018 and the creation of a regional command structure, facilitated through eight regional Joint Military Police Stations (JMPS).
As of January 2020 JMPS Canberra will be responsible for the provision of policing support to RAAF Base Wagga, as well as a
number of other Defence establishments throughout the ACT and nearby NSW region, including HMAS Creswell, Albatross and Harmon, Russell Offices, Royal Military College – Duntroon, Australian Defence Force Academy, Blamey Barracks, HQ JOC Bungendore and Campbell Park Offices. The station Command element will be located at Brindabella Business Park (BBP 33-2) in Canberra.
The Joint Military Police Detachment RAAF Base Wagga will be located within Building 190, located at the front gate. The JMPU provides a 24 hour on-call response to all incidents and emergencies at RAAF Base Wagga. The JMPU GD Duty member can be contacted on 0427 343 350. The JMPU Investigative Duty member can be contacted on 0429 939 653.A detachment of 12 JMPU personnel will be located at RAAF Base Wagga, in order to support local commanders through the provision of an assured and professional Military Police capability. These personnel will consist of nine General Duty (GD) members and a three person investigative team undertaking law enforcement activities, including policing patrols in support of security or movement support and the investigation of minor through to serious and complex Defence Force Discipline Act and criminal investigations.
The Joint Military Police Unit (JMPU), established March 2018, is a tri-service unit providing an intelligence-enabled, proactive and preventative Policing capability to support Commanders of all levels. Previous Service Police elements, including the Army Domestic Policing Unit, Air Force Police, Naval Police Coxwains and ADF Investigative Service (ADFIS) will be incorporated into the JMPU by January 2020.
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